Hammy Fruit Is Your Next Centerpiece

Hammy Fruit Is Your Next Centerpiece



It’s an old and slowly fading American tradition – ham served with pineapple and maraschino cherries. Even if we haven’t eaten them, we’ve definitely seen them on older shows and movies.

Once a popular way of using the pineapple to counteract the high salt levels found in the ham, pineapple and ham aren’t as often found together any more in our modern world. While we must accept that the past is in the past, we can still pay homage to this pairing by putting a new twist to it!

In this video, we reverse the roles – instead of using the ham as the centerpiece, the pineapple takes center stage and is roasted. The ham is substituted with its chicer and exotic cousin prosciutto.

The honey and soy sauce used to glaze your pineapple “ham” adds a savory flavor to the dish, making it fit for more than jiust a dessert or sweet treat to eat. This pineapple works well as an appetizer or a centerpiece in any fancy dinner party, and the flavor profile is the perfect balance of salty and sweet. If you’re looking for a fine line between something sweet and savory but tired of doing the same old bacon and sweet, try this pineapple and prosciutto- the fruity flavors will have you dancing!

By: Eon Kyong


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