Turkey And Bacon Meatloaf

Turkey And Bacon Meatloaf

Meatloaf. It’s so simple and easy, but also so delicious and filling. Who doesn’t love the simple comfort of a rich and delicious slice of compact meat, studded with vegetables and perfectly moist? While meatloafs are notoriously rich, they’re sometimes too much so- to the point you feel heavy after a simple meal.

This recipe for turkey and bacon meatloaf is lighter than your average loaf of meat, while full of delicious flavors that you would hardly ever see anywhere else!
Turkey isn’t as rich or filling as ground beef, partly due to its lack of fat and leanness.

While this is great for our waists, the texture of the meatloaf may suffer from being too dry. This is easily remedied with the addition of bacon and cheddar cheese, as well as the white barbecue sauce!

White barbecue sauce is a specialty found only in the south of the United States, particularly Alabama. It’s a rich sauce made with only four ingredients: mayonnaise, vinegar, salt, and coarse pepper.

This is used on everything from salads to sandwiches in Alabama, and is the perfect thing for perking up a turkey meatloaf! The creamy richness adds flavor and texture to the meatloaf without being too heavy or obtrusive, and you’ll understand why this sauce is so popular in Alabama!

By: Lizzie Kim


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