Homemade Granola Bars

Homemade Granola Bars

Imagine sitting in a field, relaxing as you read a book. Or maybe you’re in a car, driving to nowhere and listening to the radio. Or maybe you’re just at work, tired and hungry. In all three scenarios, a granola bar is the best snack and solution for your situation and mood.

While there are an overwhelmingly annoying number of choices for a granola snack, the best ones are always made at home- where you can adjust the ingredients and add what you want to have it your way. Not only that, but making your own ensures that you only put in what you want, without any preservatives or artificial flavoring!

These granola bars are entirely made from scratch, no mix necessary. You can have it any time, any place with flavors and ingredients you chose and made! Another perk is that you can customize these bars to your heart’s delight – feel free to throw some dried fruit or some cocoa powder for additional deliciousness!

Love the granola but not in a bar form? Take it apart and spread the mix out loosely all over a large pan before baking it, and you’ll have your own granola to mix into anything and everything!

By: Eon Kyong


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